

Special Membership Rate

SME’s Board of Directors has approved a specially discounted membership rate for those displaced workers in particular need of SME’s products, services, and networking. Unemployed manufacturing professionals can apply for a membership with full benefits by contacting SME for a special $30 rate for a six month membership. If still unemployed after that time a subsequent request may be made. If your membership is due for renewal, contact Customer Care at (800) 733-4763 for additional information.

Education Foundation - Scholarships!

Since 1998, the Foundation has provided over $3.5 million dollars in financial aid through its various scholarship programs. The Foundation awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors, current undergraduates, and masters or doctoral degree students pursuing degrees in manufacturing and related fields at two-year and four-year colleges.

Downriver Detroit Chapter 198 and Ann Arbor Chapter 79 have created a partnership by merging the Education Foundation funds of each chapter therefore providing more available funds to the SME Education Foundation for future scholarship recipients. Making more scholarships available to the students will create manufacturing, technical, and engineering opportunities for the future.  More information about this venture can be found here.

To find out more information about how to apply for this SME Education Foundation scholarship opportunity, as well as other opportunities, click here, call (313) 425-3300, or E-mail:

Foundation online scholarship applications must be submitted every year by February 1.


Are you a certified manufacturing professional? If not, then consider becoming one. SME offers certifications as a Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT), Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE), Lean Certification, and Six Sigma Certification. Being certified is a great way to show your knowledge and skills in this ever more competitive world. If you are already certified attend our chapter technical meetings and earn recertification credits.

Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT)

Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE)

Lean Certification

Six Sigma Certification

Why earn your Certification?  Here are the top reasons:

• Upgrade Your Knowledge – The educational requirements of certification are one more reason to continuously maintain and upgrade your knowledge.

• Leadership Recognition – Your certification shows employers you are a leader in your field. Let them know about your achievement.

• A Sense of Achievement – Enhancing your self-confidence and helping you excel at your job.

• An Elite Group – Individuals holding certifications form an elite group of professionals who have demonstrated their manufacturing knowledge.

• Portable, Career Credential – When you change jobs, your certification credentials travel with you. They look good on your resume and show you are serious about your career.

• Validate your Lean experience – Align to the Lean knowledge and competency standard, develop career milestones and share Lean knowledge through mentoring others.

For more information click here.